Marco Antonio Valencia Sanchez – Mission Leapfrog

Marco Antonio Valencia Sanchez

Roche Philippines

Country Manager , Diagnostics Division

Marco brings extensive experience in the diagnostics industry, having held multiple senior roles in global, regional, and country organizations with Roche. He arrived in the Philippines in mid-2022 as the Country Manager for Roche Diagnostics.

Marco is passionate about enhancing the visibility of the outsized but often understated benefits that cutting-edge diagnostics bring to healthcare and is also a strong proponent of innovative access mechanisms to make high medical value diagnostic solutions available for all who need them. He is also enthusiastically dedicated to people and organizational development.

Before joining Roche back in 2009, he was a tenured professor at the Medical School of Universidad de Sonora in Mexico. A biologist, medical technologist, and chemist by college training, Marco also holds a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology and an MBA from the University of Arizona.